4 o'clock Project

DISCLAIMER:     The 4 * Clock Project is a collaboration of individuals and independent teams of freelance hackers, system administrators, Computer Security enthusiasts, programmers and other related personnell, that are committed to encourage public awareness in security and safe computing through information dissemination and the spread of free knowledge.

      * compiled infotech news
      * dox
        ** Making AOL.ph
        ** Bindshell for WebStore CGI Exploit Analysis
        ** CVV2 WorkAround
        ** Multiboot WorkAround for dual fifo Problem
      * e-law
      * z3-r0's perl scripts
      * z3-r0's customized cracks
      * psygnosis' homepage
      * teejay's blogpage
      * error404 website lynx version
      * error404 website v1.0
      * error404 website v2.0
      * e404 business card
      * notable mirrors
        ** abs-cbn
        ** cebu.gov.ph
        ** greenwich
        ** jollibee
        ** purefoods
        ** tuyutamlabay
        ** globe.com.ph
      * ph-security forums
      * fildevnet website


03/12/2002 server.purefoods.com.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride] unknown
03/31/2002 www.greenwich.com.ph mirror Team Asianpride unknown
03/31/2002 champ.jollibee.com.ph mirror Team Asianpride unknown
03/31/2002 toyotamnl.toyotamanilabay.com.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride] unknown

02/01/2002 www.icard.net.ph mirror sch1z0 [Asianpride] Linux
         www.worldlink.com.p h      
02/12/2002 www.cebu.gov.ph mirror Team Asianpride Linux

01/01/2002 www.athena.com.ph mirror marcster [Asianpride] FreeBSD
01/01/2002 www.phildhrra.org mirror marcster [Asianpride] FreeBSD
01/01/2002 www.bwagroup.co.nz mirror Team Asianpride unknown
01/04/2002 www.sen-maceda.easy.net.ph mirror glitch12 [Asianpride] FreeBSD
         www.sen-herr era.easy.net.ph      
         www.meco.easy.net.p h      
01/15/2002 www.contronics.com.ph mirror Team Asianpride Linux
01/15/2002 www.icct.edu.ph mirror Team Asianpride Linux
01/15/2002 www.omnibus.ph mirror Team Asianpride Linux
01/15/2002 tetradservices.com mirror Team Asianpride Linux
         parachuterigger.com< /A>      
01/31/2002 www.huitech.com mirror Team Asianpride Linux

08/12/2001 www.victorworkshop.com mirror dcoder [Asianpride] Linux
10/12/2001 ns1.ldcu.edu.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride] Linux
17/12/2001 www.filamfoods.com mirror Team Asianpride Linux
22/12/2001 www.iiworld.com mirror sch1z0 [Asianpride] BSDI
         www.pc-esolution.ne t      
22/12/2001 www.sharonscu.ca mirror glitch12 [Asianpride] BSDI
22/12/2001 www.wiconet.com mirror Team Asianpride BSDI
         www.studyincanada. org      
25/12/2001 www.globeinteractive.com.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride] unknown
27/12/2001 www.nol.ph mirror Team Asianpride Win
28/12/2001 www.tanjay.net mirror Team FDN Linux
31/12/2001 yasan-g.ms.kr mirror glitch12 [AsianPride] FreeBSD

05/11/2001 www.netx.net.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride]  
12/11/2001 www.mainlib.upd.edu.ph mirror JaYv[E]e [Asianpride] Win
17/11/2001 www.starnet.net.ph mirror sch1z0 [Asianpride] Linux
17/11/2001 www.gmppkt.com.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride] Linux
19/11/2001 www.abs-cbn.com mirror 1 Team Asianpride Unknown
         www.studio23.ph mirror 2    
         www.fyi.com.ph mirror 3    
         tabingilog.abs-cbn .com      
         pangakosayo.abs-c bn.com      
         www.abs-cbn.com /studio23/      
23/11/2001 sentica02.globe.com.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride] Linux

08/10/2001 pidsftp.pids.gov.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride] Linux
13/10/2001 www.pizzahut.com.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride] Linux
14/10/2001 proxy.eastasia.edu.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride] Linux
14/10/2001 basicframes.com mirror Team Darkscience Win
14/10/2001 www.chinasearesort.com mirror Team Darkscience Win
14/10/2001 www.eastside.com.ph mirror Team Darkscience Win
14/10/2001 www.finnegans.com.ph mirror Team Darkscience Win
14/10/2001 hotelmikka.com mirror Team Darkscience Win
14/10/2001 www.la-union-investments.com.ph mirror Team Darkscience Win
14/10/2001 www.lulongboard.com mirror Team Darkscience Win
14/10/2001 www.lexagon.com.ph mirror Team Darkscience Win
14/10/2001 www.oasiscountryresort.com mirror Team Darkscience Win
14/10/2001 www.puertodesanjuan.com mirror Team Darkscience Win
15/10/2001 pto-princesa.com mirror dcoder [AsianPride] Linux
16/10/2001 mmhfwsvr.manilamidtown.com mirror dcoder [AsianPride] Linux
16/10/2001 www.eac.edu.ph mirror Team Darkscience Win
16/10/2001 www.sville.edu.ph mirror Team Darkscience Win
17/10/2001 proxy2.cvpc.edu.ph mirror JaYv[E]e [AsianPride] Linux
17/10/2001 korat.dovenart.moe.go.th mirror JaYv[E]e [AsianPride] Linux
19/10/2001 mail.girija.net.in mirror JaYv[E]e [AsianPride] Linux
19/10/2001 ns1.hipwall.com mirror JaYv[E]e [AsianPride] Linux
19/10/2001 www.spcm.edu.ph mirror Team Darkscience Win
20/10/2001 dgte.weblinq.com mirror dcoder [Asianpride] BSDI
20/10/2001 cebu.weblinq.com mirror dcoder [Asianpride] BSDI
23/10/2001 www.clark.com.ph mirror Team Darkscience Win
23/10/2001 www.bicol-u.edu.ph mirror Team Darkscience Win
24/10/2001 ps.dbm.gov.ph mirror Team Darkscience Win
25/10/2001 mdci.com.ph mirror JaYv[E]e [Asianpride] Linux
25/10/2001 www.superier.com.tw mirror JaYv[E]e [Asianpride] Linux
25/10/2001 www.letsgo.com.ph mirror Team Darkscience Win
26/10/2001 ns1.pltc.ac.th mirror JaYv[E]e [Asianpride] Linux
26/10/2001 dfca.fapenet.org mirror JaYv[E]e [Asianpride] Linux
27/10/2001 cab.weblinq.com mirror dcoder [Asianpride] BSDI
28/10/2001 www.sabai-sabai.com mirror Jollogs [Asianpride]  
28/10/2001 proxy.mactan.ph mirror sch1z0 [Asianpride]  
28/10/2001 dns1.kotakmahindra.com mirror Netgeker [Asianpride]  
28/10/2001 www.stjudephil.com mirror dcoder [Asianpride]  
28/10/2001 www.mactan.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride]  
??/??/???? www.aquilalegis.com mirror sch1z0 [Asianpride]  
??/??/???? www.cbbc.ph mirror JaYv[E]e [Asianpride]  
30/10/2001 www.muzzin.net mirror sch1z0 [Asianpride]  
30/10/2001 gensan.mozcom.com mirror dcoder [Asianpride]  
30/10/2001 www.dipolog-online.com mirror JaYv[E]e [Asianpride]  
30/10/2001 www.informatics.edu.ph mirror Team Darkscience  

28/09/2001 www.iso14000.net mirror sch1z0 [AsianPride] Win

15/08/2001 www.zyrel-phil.com.ph mirror dcoder [AsianPride] FreeBSD
25/08/2001 www.cybernetics1.com mirror dcoder [Asianpride] FreeBSD
25/08/2001 mail.cybernetics1.com mirror dcoder [Asianpride] FreeBSD
25/08/2001 www.suzukipr.com mirror sch1z0 [Asianpride] BSDI

15/07/2001 www.loftyvirtue.com.hk mirror sch1z0 [AsianPride] Win
16/07/2001 www.jy.com.hk mirror sch1z0 [Asianpride] Win
26/07/2001 www.sincityamateurs.com mirror sch1z0 [Asianpride] Win
30/07/2001 www.sac.edu.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride] FreeBSD

07/05/2001 www.usjr.edu.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride] Win

09/11/2000 homepage.piltel.com.ph mirror dcoder [Asianpride] Win


0x01 What is hacking?

Hacking is, very simply, asking a lot of questions and refusing to stop asking. This is why computers are perfect for inquisitive people -- they don't tell you to shut up when you keep asking questions or inputting commands over and over and over. But hacking doesn't have to confine itself to computers. Anyone with an inquisitive mind, a sense of adventure and strong beliefs in free speech and the right to know most definitely has a bit of the hacker spirit in them.

One of the common misconceptions is that anyone considered a hacker is doing something illegal. It's a sad commentary on the state of our society when someone who is basically seeking knowledge and the truth is assumed to be up to something nefarious. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Hackers, in their idealistic naiveté, reveal the facts that they discover, without regard for money, corporate secrets or government cover-ups. We have nothing to hide, which is why we're always relatively open with the things we do -- whether it's having meetings in a public place or running a system for everyone to participate in regardless of background. The fact that we don't "play the game" of secrets also makes hackers a tremendous threat in the eyes of many who want to keep things away from the public.

0x02 Why did we hack you?

To seek knowledge, discover something new, be the first one to find a particular weakness in a computer system or the first to be able to get a certain result from a program. As mentioned above, this doesn't have to confine itself to the world of computers. Anyone who's an adventurer or explorer of some sort, or any good investigative journalist, knows the feeling of wanting to do something nobody has ever done before or find the answer despite being told that you can't. One thing that all of the people involved in these endeavors seem to share is the feeling from outsiders that they're wasting their time.

If you're thinking that we have certain targets, our answer? a Big NO! We don't sit around with a big map and a list of targets. In fact, we don't even sit around together. Most hacking is done by individuals who simply find things by messing around and making discoveries. We share that info and others add input. Then someone tells the press and the government that we're plotting to move satellites and all hell breaks loose.

0x03 Are we Cyberterrorists?

In all of the time we've been in the scene, which is a pretty long time, we've never come across anyone we consider to be a "cyberterrorist," whatever that is. Most people who talk of such creatures either have something to sell or some bill to pass. This is not to say that such a concept is impossible. But I believe the current discussions aren't based in reality and have very suspicious ulterior motives.


Expensive Security Systems do not protect from stupidity.

While you may resent the fact that a bunch of kids had proved that your website sucks, think of what could have happened had you not learned of this and had someone else done it instead. Remember, the security hole was already there. If a hacker finds it, it's far more likely the people running the system will learn of the hole. If a criminal or someone with an ulterior motive (espionage, etc.) finds the hole first, it's likely to remain secret for much longer and the harm will be far greater.




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