Linux 2.4.2-2 #1 Sun Apr 8 19:37:14 EDT 2001 i586 unknown uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)


This page exists to enlighten the readers, and the general public about the errors, and the importance of hackers in their contribution to the security of their data. With the media running rampant and insufficient checks and balances for their reporting in place, the general population have been mislead about everything from hackers to viruses to 'Information Warfare' to privacy to the 4 * Clock project Alliance efforts.

We always percieve that security is one of the basic necessities of man This page exist because you're administrator is NOT doing anything about it. or does he even care that you have any of it.



the Boogieman's Back.


t e a m - a s i a n p r i d e

in alliance with the

4 * Clock Project