Linux 2.2.14 #1 SMP Tue Jan 11 11:23:02 EST 2000 i686 unknown
uid=0(root) gid=1(bin) groups=1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys)

November 19 2001
The Director
MIS Division
ABS-CBN Network
Mother Ignacia St. Quezon City
Dear Sir/Ma'am,

The 4 o'Clock project is a system composed of Filipino freelance security enthusiasts that aim to dessiminate the importance of Information security here in the Philippines. This team has conducted a survey by scanning random hosts and informing these people on these technicalities and encourage them to fix their servers up. We have no intention however of destroying, and/or information hijacking, and any other related activites. We are not paid to do this.

We found out that more than 90% of these servers can be exploited through common vulnerabilities therefore jeopardizing the security of their clients as well as their office. In as much as we would like to help the Administrators secure the different servers by trying to communicate to them personally, we have been subjected to insult, despite our professional approach. And also despite the fact that we have informed them of their vulnerability, still these administrators fail to respond. They scorn us with their witty remarks bragging what degrees they have thinking that we know less. So what does these admins accomplish? Absolutely nothing productive. It only served to encourage more attacks, waste time and resources that should be spent on business, and generally make the owner look like a fool. Unfortunately little do these administrators know that there are still flaws on their system amidst their bragging.

You are seeing the result of it now

Why are we writing and picking on this site? Because from the span of time we have been here, we have seen these Administrator reactions before. What we havent seen is a productive result following these kind of responses. Yes we are eager to help you out, but you pushed us way too far gentlemen, too far indeed.

Please, swallow your pride and respond to these incidents in a better fashion. Starting pissing wars with people that know computer security better than you, and succumbing to Filipino Security Charlatans and media whores like the Locusts.Org (hello Alvin T. Veroy better known as Eyestrain) doesn't seem too bright.

Nothing was harmed... except your pride

the 4 * Clock Project
Team Asianpride
Errata :

Greets to Rica Peralejo, Karen of Mcdonalds, Kristine Hermosa, and Janett Mcbride, Yes we would love to hear from all of you too. And we would personally recommend Alvin T. Veroy, Paul (better known as Rayk3nFrancis (better known as TRIME) to be included in the next Star Circle to be paired with Heart Hermosa, as a replacement for Bentong. <we think they are great comedians, they always makes us laugh>